Marketing Strategy for FinTech & more

Hi, I’m Adrienne Matt. I guide marketing strategy for revenue-generating startups to mid-market companies. I love shaping teams, talent and operational efficiency that drive sales and take the guesswork out of marketing impact.

If you’re a founder of a fintech (wealthtech, insuretech) company, I’d love to work with you.

Go To Market

Evaluating your TAM-SAM-SOM, market appetite, conditions and trends, your unique GTM strategy will reflect your Vision and all the marketing activation needed to make it happen.

Product Launch

Each product launch is unique – a specific moment in time with specific customers in mind. Bespoke recommendations for how to get the word out and generate sales.


Tailored to your unique challenges and goals, advisory services guide enterprises, startups, and marketing managers in refining their operations and bolstering their content strategy.

Book a Consultation

Let’s talk and see if we’re a good fit. I also know lots of talented people, so if I’m not the right one, I may know someone who is. Happy to make the introduction.

About me

I kinda know what I’m doing

signature Adrienne Matt

I’ve worked across the spectrum of the financial services industry, from personal banking to credit cards to private wealth management to institutional investing. I’m keen to do more in FinTech, InsureTech and WealthTech.

From chipsets to cloud computing and blade servers to cognitive computing, I’ve worked across a wide array of technology hardware, software and services marketing needs. And some pretty cool greenfield projects, too.

DTC, DTP. On-brand, off-brand. MOA, MOD. All varieties of pharma marketing. And some cool service design projects, too.

Let’s be in touch

In addition to this work, I also sail boats, throw awesome dinner parties, listen to live jazz, go hiking with my dog, meditate, travel to foreign lands, dance as often as I can, and read lots and lots of books.

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